507 Oakfield Drive
Brandon, Fl 33511
13701 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Suite #108, Tampa, Fl 33613
(813) -661-6667
3230 West Kennedy Blvd
Tampa, Fl 33609

Glycemic Index uses.  Glycemic index  is a very popular way of  anticipating  the  "blood sugar rise"  effect after eating certain foods. Different  food sources may have the same number of total calories per portion, but have different "sugar raising effect"  on the same person.  The measure of this rise, as compared to the blood sugar rise caused by pure glucose portion,  is called the Glycemic Index.


You will find a lot  of information in books and on the internet , lists, explanations of Glycemic Index and the related measure, Glycemic Load. Also,  complicated  measures of carbohydrate grams  per weight in grams or per 1 /2 cup serving and  per number of calories. Glycemic index is used most commonly for  diabetic diets and lifestyles  to "painlessly" , without a lot of sacrifice, decrease the  over-all  sugar effect  of the diet.  My experience, and that of my hundreds of weight loss and management patients, is that  "you can't have your  Glycemic Index Cake and eat it too!"


Glycemic index for Weight Loss:  THIS ISSUE is dedicated to weight loss  and weight maintenance warriors. This  program is  geared more towards non-diabetics, and diabetics, who  want to have success in weight loss and management. For those of you who have gone through our weight loss and management program... you know that you can work with  your body to achieve  desired health and weight goals in a sustainable  just takes understanding your body and  how it is effected by various  foods. Sounds easy enough?

The standard  way of breaking down  foods in  Glycemic index categories,  is into LOW, MEDIUM  and HIGH Glycemic index categories. This way, diabetic patients can anticipate how  blood sugar levels and corresponding insulin requirements will be effected; If pure Glucose portion is ingested then the  Glycemic index( G.I.)  for Glucose is set at  G.I. 100. Most foods generally fall below   100:

  • Low G.I.                Under 55
  • Medium G.I.         56 to 69
  • High G.I.               70 to 100+

We want to use the power of  knowledge of  the  intense, immediate  and varied  effects  that carbohydrates, proteins,  fats and  complex carbohydrates have on our Fat making/Fat burning  biochemistry and hormone messengers. There exists the  exciting ability to control the messages we directly send our body on a daily , hourly basis to MAKE FAT or to BURN FAT! 

Glycemic Load : From clinical experience and  observation over many years, my patients and I have found that  for  effective weight-Loss and weight-management , we need a different way to use the Glycemic index. The Glycemic Load (GL) is a measure which takes account of the Glycemic Index of a food  and the available carbohydrates in the food. Although very useful , these values are not as available or easy to calculate "on the fly"  for weight loss or maintenance  participants. The easiest way to make use of GI from our experience at our Wellness Clinics  for short and intermediate weight  nutritional goals is to subdivide the GI into Very Low Glycemic Index, Low Glycemic index, and  Medium and High Glycemic Index.

  • Very Low GI        30 and under
  • Low GI                31 to 49
  • Med to High GI  50 to 100+


Very Low GI: Any foods above 30 GI, will refexively begin to cause cravings and hunger, increase ups and downs in blood sugar  and insulin. Foods in the Range 50 GI  and above, have an even more dramatic effect on  cravings, hunger,  blood sugar spikes and excess (hyper) insulinemia.  Why stay under the 50 Glycemic Index ? The  labeling of a food as " Medium" GI can lull you into a sense of security.  Weight loss and management patients will quickly tell  you to expect  effects of weight gain, bloating, tiredness and  hunger side-effects  from  Medium to High G.I..., any foods  above Very Low 30 GI  and over 7 to 8 Glycemic Load. ..... judge for yourself,  medium GI foods: Coca-Cola=55-60, Snickers bar=55-60, fruit jam=51, ice cream=50+, potato chips=51-57  These foods may be medium, but anyone can tell they are not conducive to weight loss or weight management. Further  details and  lists of Glycemic Load will be added in a future blog.

         30GI and under                         31 to 49GI                        50+GI....................               


All meats have GI less than 30

All Hard cheeses have GI less than  30, Whole Cream, vinegar, mustard, olive oil, all oils,  Hot sauce, Butter, Real mayonaisse, knorr gelatin, sugar-free Jello,Pork rinds... dark chocolate=25


Whole milk, Skim milk,  Plain and Low fat Plain Yogurt(w/splenda), soy milk

Chocolate Milk, Condensed milk,  Yogurt w/Fruit,  Ice Cream, Kudos snack bar=62, Mars Bar=62, Snickers=55-65, Coca Cola=55-60, popcorn=55+, potatochips=51-57, icecream 50-80,  cornchips=72, fruit jam=51

Grape Fruit, Cherries, lemons, limes Green apple, Tart Pear,  Dried apricots ( no sugar added), Strawberries, Blueberries, Black Berries, Rasberries, Avocado All other fruit...apples, Bananas, Melons, Grapes, Kiwi, Peach, Mango, PineApple, raisins, Oranges,tangerines, Apricot,

Leafy greens,iceberg lettuce, sprouted seeds, Romaine,,  Spinach, Kale,Cabbage, Collards, Mustard Greens, Arugala, sea vegetables, Herbs, bamboo shoots, fennel

Artichoke,Asparagus, Bell peppers, Brocolli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Celery, Green Beans, Mushrooms, scallions,cucumber Tomato,Eggplant,turnips, Squash, Rutabaga, Pumkin, Onions Parsnips, Potatoes, Corn, Yams,carrots
 Green beens, Pigeon peas, Snap Peas,Winged beans Lentils, Soy beans, lima beans, Chick peas, Blacked -eyed peas,Navy beans,  Butter beans Baked beans, Pinto beans, peas
Pearl Barley grain, Humus(homemade) chickpeas/Tahini Rye grain, pumpernickle bread,   Thin vermicelli, angel hair, Mung bean noodles,protein-enriched spahetti, whole-wheat spagetti, All Bran cereal, pasta w/egg All breads, breakfast cereals, crackers, cakes and pastries, Most pastas(thicker =higher GI), Couscous, all rice, oats, rice cakes



Basically,  staying as much  to the 30& under category ( low GL) will  help with weight loss and maintenance. Straying into the 30 to 50  occasionally, but infrequently,  is  OK on the  a weight maintenance/management  diet.  Avoiding  the 50+ category is IMPERATIVE for weight maintenance and even more for weight loss. The timing of WHAT foods , and WHEN to use them is part of a complete , Physician guided weight-loss and management program.  Results are different from person to person because we are not simple machines that can be placed on a similar regimen to obtain expected results. Clinical experience  has shown that the whole individual must be accounted for and respected to manage  the obstacle course of hormonal changes, metabolic changes, hereditary /genetic  tendencies,  underlying illnesses, sedentary lifestyle, cultural and familial obesity tendencies,  work related limitations, sleep abnormalities and disruptions......on and on. There are a lot of headwinds we  face when attempting to  lose weight and attain a normal BMI  and  percent Body Fat of under 25.